Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Poverty in America

"Poverty in America", to hear or read those three little words make me crunch. The greatest country in the world has a cancer which is poverty. How can that be and how come we haven't found solutions for the crisis. Each year, the U.S. Census Bureau counts the number of "poor' Americans. Presidential candidate John Edwards claims that 37 million Americans currently "struggle with incredible poverty. "Edwards asserts that America's poor, who number " one in eight of us...do not have enough money for the food, shelter, and clothing they need,'and are forced to live in "terrible" circumstances. However, an examination of the living standards of the 37 million persons, whom The government defines as "poor," reveals that what Edwards calls "the plague" of American poverty might not be as "terrible" or "incredible" as candidate Edward's contends. This was in an article writing by Robert E. Rector and Kirk A. Johnson, PhD. Never the less, give or take a million or two, why are so many poor family living in America and kids are dropping out of school so they can work to support mom, dad and siblings.

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